Flossing in conjunction with brushing your teeth makes for a good oral hygiene routine. This at-home oral hygiene ensures that your mouth’s natural bacteria do not spread and eat away at your teeth and gums. You must not skip any steps of this routine, especially daily flossing if you want to keep your smile safe from these dental issues.
But some people do not floss as often as they should. This puts their oral health, including their gums, in major danger. You can better remember to floss when you understand the benefits this routine brings to your gums. Read on to find three specific ways that flossing every day will promote good gum health.
Prevent Periodontal Discomfort
If you have not flossed in a while, you might notice that restarting this action results in soreness and bleeding in your gums. This happens because plaque and tartar accrue between your teeth, which a toothbrush cannot reach. Disturbing this build-up will irritate the soft tissue.
Oral pain of any kind is abnormal and should not be tolerated. So, you should floss every day to prevent this build-up from forming and hurting your gums. When you continue flossing as often as you should, you will notice the uncomfortable feeling going away.
Stop the Spread of Oral Bacteria
Your mouth naturally contains bacteria. If left unchecked, it will travel across your teeth and deteriorate your enamel, gum tissue, and more. Scrubbing with your toothbrush will wash away harmful bacteria. But plaque and excess bacteria will remain between your teeth if you skip flossing.
Then the bacteria can spread even more easily, which will increase your risk of oral infections, tooth decay, and many other oral health concerns. It can put you in danger of gum disease, an infection of the gum tissue, too.
Gum disease will require treatment from your dentist to eradicate it. So, you should avoid contracting it in the first place with preventative measures like good oral hygiene and flossing.
Identify Gum Disease
As mentioned, bleeding and tenderness in your gums can occur due to a lapse in good flossing habits. But if you see bleeding on a chronic basis even with regular flossing, these periodontal symptoms could point to gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease.
Gum disease is easier to treat when diagnosed early, so you should not ignore these changes in your gum health. Tell your dentist as soon as you can about problems in your gums so that you can receive prompt periodontal therapy.
If you delay gum disease treatment, the infection can spread. Your dentist will need to perform more extensive cleaning to clear away the excess bacteria, which will require more time in the dentist’s chair.
Attend routine dental check-ups to maximize oral hygiene with teeth cleanings. Your dentist will also evaluate your oral health during these appointments so that they can spot early signs of gum disease and intervene swiftly.