Tooth Extractions An Overview
Nashua, New Hampshire dentists Dr. Tara Vogel and Dr. Keith Levesque will always strive to conserve your natural oral structure and avoid a tooth extraction whenever possible.
However, there are situations where a tooth extraction is necessary for your general oral health or tooth development.
A tooth extraction entails the removal of teeth from the dental socket in the bone. Extractions are performed for a wide variety of reasons, but most commonly to remove teeth that have become unrestorable through tooth decay, gum disease, or dental trauma, especially when they are associated with a toothache.
The removal of wisdom teeth is a common type of tooth extraction. In many cases, we can perform a tooth extraction in our Nashua dental office; however, there may be cases where we refer you to a local oral surgeon.
Once the tooth is removed (unless it’s a wisdom tooth), it is important to replace it.
At Levesque Dentistry, we offer a variety of treatment options for missing teeth. The most common treatments include dental implants and implant-secured bridges and dentures.